Saturday, June 27, 2015

In Closing...

Writing 100 was much different; much harder than I had expected.  I had considered myself a pretty decent writer; people come to me to proofread important emails or a small presentation they may need to present. But honestly, I had never truly written academically before. What a difference!  My perspective on all of the medical journals I read had changed tremendously!  I was well aware of the research that goes into the articles; but the actual organization, citations, and proofreading- PHEW!  Kudos to those who write for a living!
As for reading, I love to read and will read just about anything.  I read for educational purposes at work so my leisure time is purely reading for entertainment.  My escape from reality! I honestly never put too much thought into it, but starting with my next leisure read (which I have no idea when that may happen) I will look for the deeper meaning, the innuendos and inferences.  I believe I will receive much more from my next book.
I learned a lot during the past few weeks.  My eyes have been opened to our unreasonable drug sentencing laws; as well as how far back this practice began.  I feel the time for reform is NOW!  The film The House I Live In is a documentary for many to see and learn from.  Many of our young people should be aware of the state others are living in; being conscious of others situations helps foster understanding and assistance. This documentary could be a useful tool.
As for topics for future classes, I was not a fan of the sexism topics but thoroughly enjoyed the political aspects of our research.  I feel we, as women, need to enlighten ourselves to the progress of society around us.  To become knowledgeable so we may educate others and improve our communities along the way. While researching the sexism issues in the beginning of our course, I personally felt it brought me down; that we were giving energy to a condescending issue within our society.  I understand knowledge is the key, but I also believe we cannot feed into it.  There is an uneasy balance between the two, and I personally believe we need to rise above and not tolerate the undignified beliefs someone aims to place upon others.
I anticipate using the strategies I have learned moving forward.  I am continuing my education, and will therefore have additional academic papers to write.  I will also be able to incorporate some of this knowledge into my daily work; when referencing specific topics or articles and also when researching data.
It was nice getting to know each of you; albeit through your writing and not in person.  I personally like the camaraderie of class, and have missed it these past few weeks. (I am thinking this class may have personally been a bit easier with that aspect.)  I hope to meet you in future classes!


  1. Jenn,
    I thought this class was challenging and have never written academically before either. Although I never had to write except maybe employee reviews every year. I still think I need more work and may again take this course.

    With both the movie and the book, they have opened my eyes and it’s a shame what is happening to our judicial system. We need to focus on how to prevent and why this is happening more.
    I am continuing my education as well and onto accounting for me. I plan on using what I have learned and every once in a while go back to They Say I say and read it.
    Thank you for your feedback and Wish you all the best for your future endeavors.

    Kelly Christine

  2. Jenn,
    Your closing thoughts are well said. This was harder than I expected as well. We all think we write for other classes or for work and so we should be able to do so for a writing class. It was harder than I thought it would be to reflect on the prompts and respond appropriately. Thank you for your feedback during class, and good luck in your continued education!

  3. Jenn,
    Your closing thoughts are well said. This was harder than I expected as well. We all think we write for other classes or for work and so we should be able to do so for a writing class. It was harder than I thought it would be to reflect on the prompts and respond appropriately. Thank you for your feedback during class, and good luck in your continued education!

  4. Jenn,

    Great thought process for your last blog. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


  5. Jenn,

    Great thought process for your last blog. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


  6. Jenn,

    I agree. I definitely enjoyed the other two topics more than the food and gender topic. If I had to choose, I would personally steer clear of the sexism topic all together, but that's just me. I can definitely see where you felt "brought down" by trying to write that first paper. I felt that I needed to take a stand against what I actually saw when I watched my commercial. Oh, well...I guess it's time to get back to re-writing that one and the second paper for our profile!

    I truly enjoyed being in class with you. Hopefully our paths cross again.

