Saturday, June 27, 2015

In Closing...

Writing 100 was much different; much harder than I had expected.  I had considered myself a pretty decent writer; people come to me to proofread important emails or a small presentation they may need to present. But honestly, I had never truly written academically before. What a difference!  My perspective on all of the medical journals I read had changed tremendously!  I was well aware of the research that goes into the articles; but the actual organization, citations, and proofreading- PHEW!  Kudos to those who write for a living!
As for reading, I love to read and will read just about anything.  I read for educational purposes at work so my leisure time is purely reading for entertainment.  My escape from reality! I honestly never put too much thought into it, but starting with my next leisure read (which I have no idea when that may happen) I will look for the deeper meaning, the innuendos and inferences.  I believe I will receive much more from my next book.
I learned a lot during the past few weeks.  My eyes have been opened to our unreasonable drug sentencing laws; as well as how far back this practice began.  I feel the time for reform is NOW!  The film The House I Live In is a documentary for many to see and learn from.  Many of our young people should be aware of the state others are living in; being conscious of others situations helps foster understanding and assistance. This documentary could be a useful tool.
As for topics for future classes, I was not a fan of the sexism topics but thoroughly enjoyed the political aspects of our research.  I feel we, as women, need to enlighten ourselves to the progress of society around us.  To become knowledgeable so we may educate others and improve our communities along the way. While researching the sexism issues in the beginning of our course, I personally felt it brought me down; that we were giving energy to a condescending issue within our society.  I understand knowledge is the key, but I also believe we cannot feed into it.  There is an uneasy balance between the two, and I personally believe we need to rise above and not tolerate the undignified beliefs someone aims to place upon others.
I anticipate using the strategies I have learned moving forward.  I am continuing my education, and will therefore have additional academic papers to write.  I will also be able to incorporate some of this knowledge into my daily work; when referencing specific topics or articles and also when researching data.
It was nice getting to know each of you; albeit through your writing and not in person.  I personally like the camaraderie of class, and have missed it these past few weeks. (I am thinking this class may have personally been a bit easier with that aspect.)  I hope to meet you in future classes!

Monday, June 22, 2015

The House I Live In

I felt the documentary The House I Live In by Eugene Jarecki was an eye opener for many.  I feel many people turn their backs on the trials of others, believing what they do not see is not happening in reality.  But they are only fooling themselves because OH! IS IT HAPPENING!!

I feel Jarecki did an excellent job showing the multiple sides of the 'War on Drugs', and the rippling effects is has on society.  I absolutely believe in being responsible for your actions and retribution for those actions; but the excessive laws are only overcrowding our prisons and leaving many without their parents, siblings, or children.  I did not know how stringent these laws are; the minimum sentencing is equal  for violent and non-violent crimes is mind boggling!

If I were directing a film on this topic, I would incorporate the physical and medical side of drugs; and the great difficulty people have to break free even when they desperately want to.  The addiction is so great is can be overpowering.  In my career, I have seen to many people admitted to the Emergency Department; for repeated over doses.  Unfortunately, this does come to an end; and usually not with a positive outcome.  So many people in our society are working to overcome their addictions; they have the desire to break free yet do not have the support and resources to succeed.  This is what I would focus on.  The medical side; the work so many people do to help those addicted, with limited resources.  I feel by showing how great the need for additional funding for medical care, rehabilitation resources and the long term support these people need would impact our society.  Too many people who have never come in contact with the pains of drugs, feel 'They should just stop taking drugs!'  I'm sure they would love to 'just stop', if it were only that easy.  This is something they will fight against for the rest of their lives.

Opening peoples eyes to the struggles of drugs; breaking free and moving back into society, is imperative.  We need to show everyone this is a disease and as a society we should be supporting our fellow citizens in their fight.  Everyone needs help sometimes, and not just those you pick and choose to give it to.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Reflecting on my second paper actually pulls me in two separate directions. J

First, I looked into the varying styles of parenting. Although I have seen these examples throughout my life, I liked how they were defined and separated.  I learned a great deal on why some children behave as they do. Their parental guidance is a great influence, and in many instances, their siblings behave in the same manner.  Of course, there is always one!  The individual who stands out.  This can be in either a positive or negative manner.  When the individual child has a strong will, all the guidance (or neglect) cannot keep the child’s true spirit in.

As for my second direction, we were asked to dive in and deeply evaluate a peer’s work.  I found this very difficult.  I am striving to develop my writing skill; learning the ins and outs, what is and is not acceptable.  My strife lays here- what if I give incorrect information, what if I am completely off base?  I am guessing this task was assigned to do exactly this.  Get me out of my comfort zone, to learn skills by helping others hone theirs.  I just hope I did not give anyone terrible guidance.  If I did- I’M SORRY!

I find the papers quite difficult to start, but once I do get started I will not stop.  I need to finish; I cannot walk away.  I will lose my entire train of thought!  Although this is my rough draft, I am then able to go back and revise.  My main ideas are there, as disheveled as they may be!  I go back many times, often reading aloud to myself.    I am hoping, with practice, my writing skills will increase and the writing process will not take quite so long.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Unfortunately, today’s society is inundated with ‘Helicopter parents’.  We all know them; the overprotective and the over involved. A sure sign is when we see a child who is being lovingly smothered! J  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing- we just need to learn to give our children room to learn their own lessons, make their own mistakes.  Too many parents take care of any possible issues for the child, allowing the child to skate through life as though they are a King or Queen!  What do they learn from this? They begin to believe everyone should cater to their every whim and desire.  They believe they are entitled.  They learn to disrespect their parents, as well as everyone they encounter.  Why should they need to show respect when that person’s obligation is to keep them not just satisfied but over-indulged?

I like to think our family is not like that. Granted, today’s society is much different from when I grew up, but we still need to give them space to learn. My children (ages 15 & 12) both have cell phones, but this allows me the comfort to let them go on their own. They are allowed to go hang out with friends for hours on end.  Yes- I’d like to have an idea of plans; but I am trying to instill responsibility through lessons at home, not hiding 100 feet behind a bush while I follow them!! J  My children have chores, without an allowance.  They are a part of this family; therefore they must contribute to its success. My children respect those they encounter.  There is no back-talk.  If they would like discuss a topic they do not agree with, I encourage it.  But it will not be done disrespectfully.  Throughout their lives, people have told me how well behaved my boys are.  THAT is my success.  Not the plethora of ‘participation trophies’.  They only keep the trophies they have EARNED.

Comparing my family to the Walls family:  my children do not want.  They do not go hungry, they have stable living conditions, and we do not place our wants before the children’s needs. My children know they are expected to try, but we are available to support and guide them. In turn, independence in childhood is a necessity.  Although I believe the Walls children had entirely too much, I am trying to give my children more as they get older.  I believe the lessons I am instilling now will enable my children to make intelligent decisions and therefore become happy, successful adults.  



Sunday, May 31, 2015

Getting started with my first paper for Writing 100 was difficult.  We were directed to write about how pop culture influences our food choices, and how our gender comes into play.  Now, I do not watch much television; and what I do watch is recorded.  I am not up to date on current commercials in our society.  So, what’s a girl to do?  I logged onto YOUTUBE.  I was amazed at the amount of commercials; I began looking at multiple topics and decided upon banned commercials.  Unfortunately, just because a commercial is banned from television does not mean it cannot influence our society.  The internet makes everything accessible.

I looked into the requirements of why a commercial can be banned by the FCC. I felt it is necessary to know the process, as we all have varying moral standards.  What is acceptable by one may be deplorable by another.  Personally, I am disappointed in many of the commercials I came across.  The way marketing companies feel they can project specific groups or genders are astonishing.  In addition to the marketing company - the people who portray these roles!  Do they not have morals, a sense of right and wrong?  This is where my negative thoughts centered.  Do the actors not realize they are only reinforcing the demeaning stereotypes? Sadly, the all mighty dollar speaks volumes.

I needed to see past this mental barrier.  I felt by educating myself and my children about the scope of advertisements out there, I am creating awareness.  Awareness of the misrepresentation of others.  Awareness in the belief all people have value and need to be treated as an important individual.  This is something I subscribe to daily. I see inequities every day and it breaks me little each time.  I feel it is essential to open people’s eyes, and if pop culture would redirect itself- just think of the changes!  I am a Master Trainer in a training course which  deals with communication and team work, therefore I am hyper aware when these injustices occur.  If we could only educate the young, we could watch the changes begin right before our eyes!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

My relationship with food… It is interesting.  Growing up, we had a full dinner EVERY DAY. We ate red meat, potatoes, corn and bread.   Looking back, this was not the healthiest menu. But at least we were not eating out at fast food restaurants!  At these meals, my parents subscribed to the belief ‘Clean your plate, there are starving children in this world.' Needless to say, I am a bit overweight today. This is a hard habit to break, and although I consciously attempt to not eat everything on the plate-yet sometime it disappears! Diabetes is genetic on my paternal side, as is being ‘of a large stature’. Food is my enemy.

 Currently, I am not a big meat eater.   I occasionally eat poultry and seafood and I stay away from red meat.  I believe I ate enough as a child to carry through the rest of my existence!  I love fruits, vegetables, and salads.  Unfortunately, I also love pasta, bread, and brownies.  I am, once again, working on ‘modifying my intake’. 

As for my take on the articles we’ve read this past week, I do not agree with the belief Fat is Feminist Issue. Being overweight is an increasing concern in population health, and is an issue which needs to be addressed through education and option modification. Don’t Blame the Eater; I believe we need to overhaul the options available as Fast Food.  Our society needs it; otherwise our society will slowly fail in health and abilities.  Having it His Way; the ideals discussed in this article have been obvious to me for many years.  I am not much of a TV buff, and having to sit through these 30-60 second skits telling men it is acceptable to act as Neanderthals; it just too much for me.  Thank goodness I have a DVR and can fast forward though these abominations!