Sunday, May 31, 2015

Getting started with my first paper for Writing 100 was difficult.  We were directed to write about how pop culture influences our food choices, and how our gender comes into play.  Now, I do not watch much television; and what I do watch is recorded.  I am not up to date on current commercials in our society.  So, what’s a girl to do?  I logged onto YOUTUBE.  I was amazed at the amount of commercials; I began looking at multiple topics and decided upon banned commercials.  Unfortunately, just because a commercial is banned from television does not mean it cannot influence our society.  The internet makes everything accessible.

I looked into the requirements of why a commercial can be banned by the FCC. I felt it is necessary to know the process, as we all have varying moral standards.  What is acceptable by one may be deplorable by another.  Personally, I am disappointed in many of the commercials I came across.  The way marketing companies feel they can project specific groups or genders are astonishing.  In addition to the marketing company - the people who portray these roles!  Do they not have morals, a sense of right and wrong?  This is where my negative thoughts centered.  Do the actors not realize they are only reinforcing the demeaning stereotypes? Sadly, the all mighty dollar speaks volumes.

I needed to see past this mental barrier.  I felt by educating myself and my children about the scope of advertisements out there, I am creating awareness.  Awareness of the misrepresentation of others.  Awareness in the belief all people have value and need to be treated as an important individual.  This is something I subscribe to daily. I see inequities every day and it breaks me little each time.  I feel it is essential to open people’s eyes, and if pop culture would redirect itself- just think of the changes!  I am a Master Trainer in a training course which  deals with communication and team work, therefore I am hyper aware when these injustices occur.  If we could only educate the young, we could watch the changes begin right before our eyes!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

My relationship with food… It is interesting.  Growing up, we had a full dinner EVERY DAY. We ate red meat, potatoes, corn and bread.   Looking back, this was not the healthiest menu. But at least we were not eating out at fast food restaurants!  At these meals, my parents subscribed to the belief ‘Clean your plate, there are starving children in this world.' Needless to say, I am a bit overweight today. This is a hard habit to break, and although I consciously attempt to not eat everything on the plate-yet sometime it disappears! Diabetes is genetic on my paternal side, as is being ‘of a large stature’. Food is my enemy.

 Currently, I am not a big meat eater.   I occasionally eat poultry and seafood and I stay away from red meat.  I believe I ate enough as a child to carry through the rest of my existence!  I love fruits, vegetables, and salads.  Unfortunately, I also love pasta, bread, and brownies.  I am, once again, working on ‘modifying my intake’. 

As for my take on the articles we’ve read this past week, I do not agree with the belief Fat is Feminist Issue. Being overweight is an increasing concern in population health, and is an issue which needs to be addressed through education and option modification. Don’t Blame the Eater; I believe we need to overhaul the options available as Fast Food.  Our society needs it; otherwise our society will slowly fail in health and abilities.  Having it His Way; the ideals discussed in this article have been obvious to me for many years.  I am not much of a TV buff, and having to sit through these 30-60 second skits telling men it is acceptable to act as Neanderthals; it just too much for me.  Thank goodness I have a DVR and can fast forward though these abominations!